Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG)

5G Key Performance Indicators (5G KPI)


5G networks are becoming a reality in terms of technology, standardization, and first pilot deployments. 5G is aimed at covering a great variety of use cases with different requirements, including high throughput (>1 Gbps), low latency (<1ms) or massive density of devices (106/km2). Some of these use cases involve intensive usage of video technologies, both from entertainment and from industrial perspectives. Each of those use cases may have different requirements in terms of network capacities, aka Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as throughput, latency, reliability or density; and all those factors will influence, not necessarily in a straightforward way, the final Quality of Experience (QoE) of the service.


Study the relationship between the Key Performance Indicators of new communication networks (namely 5G, but extensible to others) and the QoE of the video services on top of them.


  • Define relevant use cases, such as video for industrial applications, or mobility scenarios.
  • Study global QoE aspects for video in mobility and industrial scenarios.
  • Identify the relevant network KPIs(e.g. bitrate, latency, …) and application-level video KPIs (e.g. picture quality, A/V sync, …).
  • Build open datasets for algorithm testing and training.