Besides validation of objective measurement methods, VQEG conducts subjective studies of multimedia and 3DTV and provides a place for collaborative model development to take place.
Active Working Groups
Subjective Methods
Collaborative efforts to improve subjective video quality test methods.
Objective Metrics
Developing and validating objective video quality metrics.
- Audiovisual HD (AVHD)
- Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)
- No Reference Metrics (NORM project, NORM resources)
- Implementer's Guide for Video Quality Metrics (IGVQM)
- JEG-Hybrid
- Quality Assessment for Computer Vision Applications (QACoViA)
Industry and Applications
Seeking improved understanding of new video technologies and applications.
Support and Outreach
Support for VQEG's activities.
- eLetter (scroll down)
- Human Factors for Visual Experiences (HFVE)
- Joint Qualinet-VQEG team on Immersive Media
- Tools and Subjective Labs Setup
- Video Archives Support
- VQEG Administration and Web Support
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
- IRG-AVQA – Intersector Rapporteur Group Audiovisual Quality Assessment (IRG-AVQA)
Completed Validation Tests
- FRTV Phase I - completed June, 2000
- FRTV Phase II - completed August 25, 2003
- Multimedia Phase I - completed September 12, 2008
- RRNR-TV - completed June 22, 2009
- HDTV Phase I - completed June 30, 2010
- Audiovisual Quality Integration (AVHD-AV) - completed in 2012 by concluding that "audio-only MOS × video-only MOS = audio-visual MOS"
- Hybrid Perceptual/Bitstream - completed September 12, 2014
- AVHD-AS / P.NATS Phase 2 - completed January 2020
Dormant Projects
- HDTV Phase II and Multimedia Phase II were merged to create Audiovisaul HD in December, 2012.
- 3DTV was closed March 2016, and the remaining 3DTV projects moved into the new Immersive Media Group.
- VLQA (Visually Lossless Quality Analysis) was closed November 2017.
- VIME (Video and Image Models for consumer content Evaluation) was closed November 2017 and replaced with the No Reference Metric (NORM) working group.
- MOAVI (Monitoring of Audio Visual Quality by Key Indicators) was closed January 2018. Work continues in the No Reference Metric (NORM) working group.
- QART (Quality Assessment for Recognition Tasks) was closed November 2017. Work continues in the new No Reference Metric Group.
- Ultra HD was closed March 2018. Work continues in other VQEG working groups, since 4K monitors are widely available.
- HDR/WCG (High Dynamic Range Video / Wide Color Gamut) was closed March 2018. Work continues in other VQEG working groups.
- Independent Lab Group (ILG) - the ILG was closed due to the lack of need for independent oversight of VQEG validation efforts
- PsyPhyQA (Psycho-Physiological Quality Assessment) was suspended December 2022, until interest on this topic resumes.