Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG)

Hybrid Perceptual Bitstream

Validation Test Goals

The Hybrid Perceptual/Bitstream experiment validated objective video quality models that use both the processed video sequence and bit-stream information. This test examined WVGA/VGA video and also HDTV video. Hybrid No Reference, Hybrid Reduced Reference, Hybrid Full Reference, and No Reference models were submitted. The Hybrid final report was approved July 10, 2014. 

Questions about the Hybrid test should be sent to the Hybrid Perceptual/Bitstream Co-Chairs Silvio Borer and Chulhee Lee.

Resulting ITU Recommendations

These standards are organized into an umbrella document with common information and an overview (ITU-T Rec. J.343) plus individual Recommendations for each type of model. Different models are appropriate for different applications.

  • ITU-T Rec. J.343 (2014), "Hybrid perceptual bitstream models for objective video quality measurements"

  • ITU-T Rec. J.343.1 (2014), "Hybrid-NRe objective perceptual video quality measurement for HDTV and multimedia IP-based video services in the presence of encrypted bitstream data"

  • ITU-T Rec. J.343.2 (2014), "Hybrid-NR objective perceptual video quality measurement for HDTV and multimedia IP-based video services in the presence of non-encrypted bitstream data" 

  • ITU-T Rec. J.343.3 (2014), "Hybrid-RRe objective perceptual video quality measurement for HDTV and multimedia IP-based video services in the presence of a reduced reference signal and encrypted bitstream data"

  • ITU-T Rec. J.343.4 (2014), "Hybrid-RR objective perceptual video quality measurement for HDTV and multimedia IP-based video services in the presence of a reduced reference signal and non-encrypted bitstream data"

  • ITU-T Rec. J.343.5 (2014), "Hybrid-FRe objective perceptual video quality measurement for HDTV and multimedia IP-based video services in the presence of a full reference signal and encrypted bitstream data"

  • ITU-T Rec. J.343.6 (2014), "Hybrid-FR objective perceptual video quality measurement for HDTV and multimedia IP-based video services in the presence of a full reference signal and non-encrypted bitstream data"