Quality Assessment for Recognition and Task-based multimedia applications (QART)
To study the quality of video used for recognition tasks and task-based multimedia applications.
Users of video to perform tasks require sufficient video quality to recognize the information needed for their application. Therefore, the fundamental measure of video quality in these applications is the success rate of these tasks (such as recognition), which is referred to as visual intelligibility or acuity. One of the major causes of reduction of visual intelligibility is loss of data, through various forms of compression. Additionally, the characteristics of the scene being captured have a direct effect on visual intelligibility and on the performance of a compression operation-specifically, the size of the target of interest, the lighting conditions, and the temporal complexity of the scene. The QART project is performing a series of tests to study the effects and interactions of compression and scene characteristics. An additional goal is to test existing or develop new objective measurements that will predict the results of the subjective tests of visual intelligibility.
QART Draft Testplan - GoogleDoc
- Irrelevant Testers Removal for Recognition Task - PDF
Questions about the QART should be sent to the QART Co-Chair Mikolaj Leszczuk.