Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG)

Statistical Analysis Methods (SAM)

Mission: to improve analysis methods and understanding of subjective experiments; and to improve the statistical analysis of objective media quality predictors/models.

The SAM group addresses problems related to how to better analyze and improve data quality coming from subjective experiments and how to consider uncertainty in objective media quality predictors/models development. We also consider changed to subjective experiments protocols.

Working Methods

Biweekly teleconference calls

We have monthly conference calls on Monday at 17:00 CET. 

  • Meeting minutes and date of the next call can be found in this document.
  • Please check the meeting minutes for changes to the meeting date, time, and software. 
  • Contact Zhi Li (zli@netflix.com) for a meeting invitation. 



Topics Currently Being Discussed

  • Further exploration of subject models and analysis for classical subjective experiments based on Absolute Category Rating (ACR)
    • Interest expressed by Dietmar Saupe, Lucjan Janowski, Maria Martini, Kamran Javidi
  • Better understanding PC (Pair Comparison).
    • Begin by understanding the differences between displaying content on two screens, scaled versions on a single screen, and temporally separated presentations on a single screen.
    • Investigate how PC and ACR results compare when applied to high-quality content under varying levels of scale and compression.
    • Extend the research by incorporating more diverse content, particularly user-generated content (UGC) with varying quality levels.
  • Linearity analysis – deciding if a metric is linearly related to subjective scores or not. If not, the analysis marks non linear regions
    • Interest expressed by Bartłomiej Gibas

Extended List of Possible Future Topics

Theory development

  • Further exploration of subject models and analysis for classical subjective experiments based on ACR.
  • Proposal of a model for paired comparison (PC)
    • The initial groundwork is done; next steps include reviewing existing literature.
  • Development of a model explaining the relationship between ACR and PC, allowing results from one experiment to be converted into equivalent results for the other.
    • This requires understanding the limitations of such conversions.
  • Inclusion of multiple distortions and analysis of their interactions (e.g., bitrate + scale; additional factors: camera capture and content modifications).
  • Multi-dimensional modeling of perceived quality Combination and integration of multiple datasets 

Subject screening

  • Subject screening simulations
  • Subject screening for crowdsource experiments 

Metric analysis

  • Objective metric analysis using methods beyond R² 
  • Linearity analysis
  • BD-rate: Establish an official approach for BD-rate analysis, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding

Perceptually lossless metrics

  • Metrics that target the first level of just noticeable difference JND, indicating whether the compressed video is indistinguishable from the source 

New subjective methods beyond quality questions

  • Exploration of methods beyond traditional quality questions and approaches to analyzing them

New test designs for specific products and problems

  • Color analysis for Oculus devices
  • Study of the "uncanny valley" effect in generative AI and point clouds
  • Inclusion of multiple dimensions, such as how well the content fits the user’s expectations
  • Understanding the relationship between quality and overall service experience

Designing reliable subjective methods for crowdsourced experiments

  • Development of subjective methods that ensure reliable screening.
  • Brainstorm new rating scales that eliminate different scoring behaviors associated with the 5-point ACR scale in crowdsource tests, such as subjects only using one or two levels.
    • 2-point ACR scale
    • Pair comparison (PC) mapped to 5-point ACR scale
    • PC where one side of the comparison is to small set of media with a known spread of quality from lab testing; audio quality tests often use such anchor sequences. 
  • Perform screening during the rating process, to identify poor performers by the end of each task
    • For example, subject must correctly identify best and worst quality 

Completed SAM Projects

Bias-subtracted consistency-weighted MOS method for subject screening

This method allows extracts quality, subject bias, and subject consistency simultaneously, taking into account the relationship between these three parameters. The mean opinion score (MOS) estimation is improved by weighting individual ratings by subject consistency.   

Spatial Information (SI) and Temporal Information (TI)

The SAM group updated the SI and TI formulae in Rec. P.910 to account for modern video systems. See Clause 7.8. 

Merger of ITU-T Recs. P.910, P.911, and P.913

The SAM group hosted discussions that culminated in ITU-T merging Recommendations P.910, P.911, and P.913 into a single standard in 2023. These edits added new techniques that had been vetted by VQEG over previous years.